Monday 16 February 2015

Fruit Day

So over the weekend we had a couple of lunar cycle fruit days...time to get my outdoor peas and broad beans, polytunnel cukes and melons, greenhouse tomatoes and peppers sown. I love this time of year

Saturday 7 February 2015

Been A While

2015 has brought light into my life...I have been working hard on creating my dream of a potager garden at home. My aim is to create a growing space that will keep us in fresh fruit and veg, without the need for paying allotment rental per annum. I will continue payment for this year, while I steadily move everything the five miles from plot to home.
Today I made my first raised bed - it's good soil, plenty of drainage and ready for my spuds. I'm growing Red Duke of York and International Kidney. In this potager I will be reusing my brick ends to create a nicely worn in looking brick path alongside my new raised bed.