Sunday 10 June 2012

Round Up On The Allotment

Ha that grabbed your attention, didn't it?!
Wouldn't use such evils - but I have been weeding. About three trugfuls of thistles and annual weeds. Loathsome things! Anyhow progress report from today, or as stated above "my round up!"
Garlic - pulled as it was showing signs of rust. Strung and hung up in the polytunnel. This frees up half a bed for my squashes :)
Onions - some were bolting and have been pulled, chopped and frozen. But they are a good size (4"). Bed 6 onions all pulled as of 10/6/12 for drying.
Broad beans - another two colanders full, with lots more to come.
Early potatoes - disappointing yields - half a bucket out of ten plants. The foliage was showing signs of dying off.
Peas are flowering.
Runner beans are winding their way up the Munty frame.
Raspberry hedge is a two to three foot high fedge! About two foot deep. Masses of fruits forming - mmmmmm!
Strawberry bed - attention required tomorrow :(
Currants - strings of flowers ;)
Parsnips - none germinated AGAIN!
Rhubarb - masses pulled, chopped and stewed.
Lettuce - two lovely green lines.
Kale - half pulled. Two sticks given away. The rest chopped, washed and frozen.
Spring cabbage - remainder pulled, chopped, washed and frozen.
All in all a very mad four hours at the allotment followed by another frenetic two hours.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Pot Marigolds

I have grown both English pot marigolds and French marigolds this year. The English ones are planted up into my shallow tubs on the greenhouse steps. The French ones are planted amongst the polytunnel tomatoes on pest control duty.
Next job...nasturtiums in baskets!