Saturday 16 February 2013

Potting On and Pottering Out

It's a fruit day and the weather was good, so I ventured out into the greenhouse, pepper seedlings in hand. They were module sown back in January and had now got to true leaf stage. So out they came into three inch pots.
Next came my main tomato sowings. Peas in gutters too, plus broad beans.
I am sowing the two latter in successional batches, so that I end up with regular cropping and harvesting.
It was also time to clean up all those dirty pots, trays and trugs that have lain around all Winter. Still only part way through on those.
I threw open the doors on the greenhouse and poly today, as it reached a balmy 8°C.
The last job of the day was to cut back in the garden. Two out of six borders are cleared of decaying leaves and have pruned roses. I feel we are ebbing ever closer towards Spring.