Friday 22 March 2013

Mad March!

Spring is here and with it...snow! As we gardeners started to toy with the idea of our seed packets, plunging temperatures have seen those same said packets get stuffed back into drawers, tins and cupboards. I wouldn't mind, but for the first time ever, we are ready with the allotment. Soil has been weeded, Rockdust added, feed added and muck shifted. I have seedlings shivering in the greenhouse; seed potatoes covering the dining table; additional heat loving seedlings on windowsills. Will we ever see a season that isn't topsy turvy again?
The few warm and dry days that we have had, have seen the garden borders turned over, roses pruned and all surface area mulched. So that again is ready and I have gaps to be filled in the garden, but my seedlings just can't comply when there is no warmth.
Roll on April!