Sunday 13 January 2013

A Day In Which I Find Black Gold!

Wow! We have had two compost bins out of three cooking away with a combination of kitchen scraps/peelings, newspaper, coffee grinds, brown cardboard, newspaper, hen's bedding, last year's grass clippings and chicken poo. We turn the compost regularly with a pitchfork to maintain heat and even cooking. Keeping your mixture fairly even of greens to brown seems to aid effective composting. Keeping it not too wet, but not too dry either is key.
Today, we riddled out this...

There's half a bin full and that should more than cover my home veg patch, once it's finished

Friday 4 January 2013

Fruits, Roots and Leaves

The New Year arrived with a bang and so did my sowing. Back to the biodynamic schedule means I am sowing something every couple of days. So far in 2013 I have the following

- Early Tomatoes
- Peppers
- Broad Beans

- Carrots
- Radish
- Onions
- Leeks
- Celeriac
- Spring Onions
- Shallots (for sets)

- Lettuce
- Mustard and Cress
- Celery

Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year, New Plans

Hurrah for sunshine! At last the sky had blue patches and the sun's rays reached to earth, despite a biting wind. We have spent a good six hours outside today as we set to on the field hedge. We have hacked back to the wire fence and in places, beyond, so that we may hedge lay and chicken wire along that portion of the garden. It has given us two foot by 40 foot of ground back. The hedge width itself is about four foot so time to reclaim a little more methinks. I am hoping that Mr VVG sets about laying a bit each weekend and then posts and wires straight in. It will mean the girls have security along the open edge.
Today was also time to notice the bulbs starting to spring through at the base of the big old lime trees. Crocus I assume or maybe the scillas. As the girls dust bathed in the sun, my next task was to set to on the polytunnel. The celeriac needed some outer leaf pulling. It received a comfrey feed as indeed did the alliums. Their patch needed hoeing to remove green algae growth, a byproduct of a winter polytunnel. Rockdust has been added to the beds in there, so I'm hoping it will condition a poor soil, although I have added more mulch compost for enrichment. Mr VVG has taken the remaining garden leaves, dutifully raked into piles by me and put them into our wire cage. This should rot down nicely now over the course of the year. The composters are filling too as the girls add newspaper and chicken poop every day. Must find more greens to add!
I intended cleaning the greenhouse out today, although as you can see, it was not my first job. This I completed so pots are scrubbed and ready, benches are cleared and awaiting seed trays. As 2013 starts I am hopeful of a decent GYO year. Tomorrow is a fruit day, which sees me start off my tomatoes, peppers, broad beans and peas.